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Labelling in Locowise

Learn what labelling is in Locowise and how it is used.

Locowise admin avatar
Written by Locowise admin
Updated over 6 months ago

A) What is labelling in Locowise and how does it work?

The labelling tool is your chance to assign specific markers to posts and tweets from yours or a competitor's social profile/account. Assigning the markers allows you to then filter the posts you see in the Content tab and form label specific reports. This could be campaign, product or even person-specific.

B) Assigning labels

To assign labels to content, simply follow theses steps.

1. Head to the Content tab in your Locowise account.
2. Make sure the profile you wish to label content for is selected and visible via the dropdown to the left of you date range selector. Simply click this to reselect the profile you work on any time.
3. Select the purple 'Batch Labels' button towards the top right hand corner of your screen.

4. Ensure you have the right date range selected and press the green run button.

5. Select each post you want to assign a label to (this appears as a large green tick).

6. When you're done, enter the name of the label you want to add via the long bar across the top of the posts and press ENTER.
7. Finish up by selecting the purple Apply button.

C) Filtering your posts by a specific label

To only view your labelled posts in Content, simply follow these steps.

  1. Head to the Content tab in your Locowise account.

  2. Select the 'filter by' dropdown (located to the left of the profile and date range dropdown menus towards the top right of your screen)

  3. You'll see your historically used labels listed down the right hand side with their own tick box selection. Tick the label you'd like to filter by once you're happy with your date range and select the green run button.

D) Running label specific reports for campaign content

To run a label specific report in Excel, simply follow these steps.

1. Head to the Content tab in your Locowise account.
2. Select the Download button towards the top right hand corner (to the right of the green Run button)
3. Select Schedule from the dropdown.
4. Select 'Labels' where it says 'select a report category'
5. Select the label you want to report on, the date range and hit the green Download Now button.

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