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Most frequently asked questions about Locowise.
Most frequently asked questions about Locowise.

Got a question? No problem. Chances are it's in this folder. If not, simply email

How do I remove Profile Packs from my account?
How to build a Custom Report
How do I add additional profile slots to my account?
Why is the engagement shown in Consolidated Data different from the figure in my Post Top Line chart?
What are Social Audits?
How to check you've got the right level of native Admin access in to access Instagram Business Account insights.
Why don't Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach add up to the figure for Total Reach?
How can I opt in or out of Locowise marketing communications?
How do I find the worst performing posts in the Content Drilldown tab?
How to rank and filter your content using the Content Drilldown tool
What is the difference between Page Reach, Post Reach, and Page Post Reach?
How to create a campaign report in Report Builder using labels.
What is the difference between New Fans and Unique Fans gained?
How do I access Instagram Business Account analytics in Locowise?
How do I control team member access and visibility of specific profiles?
How are Brand, Post, and Keyword Scores calculated in Social Audits?
How do I create Locowise Social Audits?
How to edit the recipients of your scheduled Locowise reports?
What is classed as a profile?
How to schedule a report to be sent automatically via email or Slack.
How to connect a Slack account to Locowise.
How to add your company logo to Locowise.
How is Engagement Rate formulated for multiple channels and combined in the Consolidated View chart area?
Response Wordcloud (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Response Comments (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Response Contributors (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Impressions (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Reach (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Post Video Summary (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Post Top Line (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Post Top Content (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Post Performance (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Sentiment Timeline (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Engagement By Day (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Engagement Negative (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Engagement Breakdown (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Engagement Rate (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Engagement (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Demographics Location (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Demographics Gender (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Audience Prediction (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Audience Traffic (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Audience Sources (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Audience Gain Vs Loss (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Audience Timeline (Facebook - Owned Profiles)
Labelling in Locowise
How to change permissions for your team members.
How to delete profiles from your account.
What is the difference between the Engagement and Engagement breakdown chart areas on the Instagram owned profiles?
How to add profiles to your account.
How to change your timezone settings on Locowise.
I want to upgrade my profile plan but still have another 2-3 weeks to go before my next billing. How will this work?
How can I change my date format?
How many team members can I add?
My colleague has left the business - They were an admin but I can't remove them for some reason?
How do I delete a team member?
Where can I view my invoices?
I want to remove all association with Locowise from my reports. Can this be done?
How do I change permissions for my team members?
What metrics underpin the Post Top Line section for hashtags on Instagram? How are the metrics calculated?
How can I better understand the scale of adoption for this hashtag on Instagram versus other related hashtags and how they compare?
How is total engagement for hashtags quantified on Instagram? Where can I access this data?
How to invite a colleague to your Locowise account.
Can I get demographics data by age on the users adopting this hashtag on Instagram?
Can I get demographics data by location on the users adopting this hashtag on Instagram?
Can I get demographics data by gender on the users adopting this hashtag on Instagram?
Where can I access hashtag adoption volumes on Instagram by day?
Do you provide hourly hashtag analysis?
What metrics underpin the Post Top Line section for hashtags on Twitter? How are the metrics calculated?
On Twitter, how can I view the top 12 performing tweets containing my tracked hashtag ordered by total engagement volume?
How can I better understand the scale of adoption for this hashtag on Twitter versus other related hashtags and how they compare?
How is total engagement for hashtags quantified on Twitter? Where can I access this data?
Can I get demographics data by location on the users adopting this hashtag on Twitter?
Can I get demographics data by gender on the users adopting this hashtag on Twitter?
Where can I access hashtag adoption volumes on Twitter by day?
What demographics data does Locowise have for competitor YouTube channels?
How is Engagement Rate calculated at post level for each Youtube video?
Why do competitor profiles have fewer metrics in Content for Instagram?
What kind of posts make it into the Post Top Content chart area for Instagram competitor landscape report?
Where can I find a graphical breakdown (by day) of engagement rate and post level for Instagram competitor landscape profiles?
Where can I find the demographic data about where the people who follow my Instagram account are based by location (by country).
What is the difference between Audience Timeline and Audience Growth for Facebook benchmark profiles?
Where can I find the demographic data about the gender of people who follow my account, based on gender information they provide in their Instagram user profiles?
How are the Response Contributors arranged for Twitter owned profiles?
How are unique users quantified in the Engagement chart for Facebook owned profiles?
What is the difference between the Engagement and Engagement breakdown chart areas for Twitter owned profiles?
Does a Facebook Ads billing account count towards my profile allocation?
What is the purpose of the Post Top Line section?
Where can I benchmark social visits by channel?
Where can I access Goal Completion Rate data?
Where can I better understand the impact of social media visits versus sources such as Organic Search, Direct, Referral and Paid Advertising?
Where can I view the demographics of my site visitors by country and city for Google Analytics owned profiles?
Where can I get access to the percentage of site visits recorded from social media over a time period?
What is Pages Per Visit and how do Google Analytics calculate this?
Where can I review a breakdown of my audience sources? (by visit, time on site, pages per visit and percentage return visits)
What is classed as a Unique Visitor?
What is classed as a Returned User?
The chart areas refer to the 'previous period'. What does this mean?
Do you support Pinterest?
How do I sign up for the free trial?
Do you have an email address I can contact?
I want to cancel my Locowise subscription. What needs to happen?
Can I track Facebook hashtags in Locowise?
How long is the trial?
How can I sign up to the Locowise blog?
How does Locowise calculate the Optimal Post Frequency?
How does Locowise calculate the Optimal Day & Time to Post?
What is machine learning?
Why does it matter when my competitor will post next?
How does the Next Post Prediction work?
Does the Optimal Post Frequency model only take into account organic posts?
Where do you look for Trending Hashtags?
How does the Sentiment Analysis work?
How is Engagement calculated for Facebook owned profiles?
How can I track the growth of my Facebook Audience (Page Likes)?
What formula is used for Audience Gain vs Loss for Facebook owned profiles?
Where can I find the demographic data about the people who like my Page, based on the age and gender information they provide in their user profiles?
How is the Audience Prediction formulated on Facebook?
Where can I find the demographic data about where the people who like my Page are based by location (by country and by city).
Why is the Optimal Post Frequency different for each of my profiles?
What metrics underpin the Negative Feedback chart area in Facebook owned profiles?
How are the totals in the Post Performance table calculated for Facebook owned profiles?
What kind of posts make it into the Post Top Content chart area?
What is the Post Top Line chart area and how are the totals calculated?
What metrics are available in the Post Video Views chart area and how are these calculated?
How is Page Reach and Post Reach calculated?
How are Impressions calculated for Facebook owned profiles?
Why am I not seeing clicks and Impressions data for Twitter?
How can I get Twitter impressions & click data when analysing my Twitter profile?
Can you please explain Impressions on Twitter?
Can you explain Reach on Twitter?
Why do I need to upload the impressions data from
Where can I find engagement rate by day in my Twitter owned profile?
Where can I find the Engagement breakdown chart area for Twitter?
There is no impression data showing for my tweets in Content. What do I need to do?
What comments form the Response Comments section?
How does the Response Wordcloud work?
Who are the response contributors and how are they ranked?
How is my page's Response Rate calculated for Facebook owned profiles?
How is my page's Response Time calculated for Facebook owned profiles?
Why is the number of likes higher in the Reactions breakdown compared to the standalone Likes metric for Facebook owned profiles?
Why is the number for Total Reach different from the sum of Paid and Organic Reach?
What are "negative" actions?
Why is Sentiment Analysis missing for some of my posts in Content?
How accurate is the Promoted Post Detection?
Is the Sentiment Analysis multilingual?
How does the Growth Prediction engine work?
How do you determine the Best Performing Posts?
Why is Promoted Post Detection only showing some of my competitors?
What are 'Stories' on Facebook?
What are the audience traffic sources?
Where can I find the Facebook Reactions data?
Where can I find a graphical breakdown (by day) of the total engagement recorded by my competitor's Instagram accounts?
How do you calculate Engagement Rate for Twitter owned profiles?
What is the difference between Audience Timeline and Audience Growth for Instagram competitor landscape profiles?
How is the Audience Prediction formulated on Twitter?
How is Engagement calculated for Instagram competitor landscape profiles?
Where can I find total engagement by day for Twitter profiles?
How is Engagement Rate calculated at post level for Instagram competitor landscape profiles?
What kind of tweets make it into the Post Top Content chart area for Twitter owned profiles?
How are response contributors arranged for Twitter competitor landscape profiles?
How does the Response Wordcloud work for Twitter?
Why do competitor profiles have fewer metrics in Content for Twitter competitor landscape profiles?
What comments form the Response Comments section for Twitter?
What kind of posts make it into the Post Top Content chart area for Twitter competitor landscape profiles?
How do you calculate Engagement Rate on Instagram?
Where can I find a graphical breakdown (by day) of engagement rate and post level for Twitter competitor landscape profiles?
How is the Audience Prediction formulated on Instagram?
Where can I find a graphical breakdown (by day) of the total engagement recorded by my competitors for Twitter?
Where can I find total engagement by day for Instagram?
What demographics data does Locowise have for competitor Twitter Accounts?
What is the difference between Audience Timeline and Audience Growth for Twitter competitor landscape profiles?
How is Engagement calculated for Twitter competitor landscape profiles?
How is Engagement Rate calculated at post level for Twitter competitor landscape profiles?
What kind of Instagram posts make it into the Post Top Content chart area?
What is the purpose of the Post Top Line section on Instagram?
Why do competitor profiles have fewer metrics in Content for Facebook competitor landscape profiles?
What kind of posts make it into the Post Top Content chart area for Facebook competitors landscape profiles?
How does the Response Wordcloud work on Instagram?
What can be learnt from the Engagement by Day chart area and how is this calculated for Facebook competitor landscape profiles?
What is the purpose of the Engagement Breakdown chart area for Facebook competitor landscape profiles?
How can I see the sources of my YouTube video views over a particular time period?
Where can I find a graphical breakdown (by day) of engagement rate and post level for Facebook competitor landscape profiles?
Where can I find a graphical breakdown (by day) of the total engagement recorded by my competitors for Facebook?
Where can I find the location of my subscribers sorted by the country for Youtube?
How is Engagement calculated for Facebook competitor landscape profiles?
How is Page Engagement Rate calculated for Facebook competitor profiles?
How is Post Engagement Rate calculated for Facebook competitors?
How is Engagement Rate calculated for Linkedin profiles?
How are new Followers quantified on LinkedIn (owned profiles)?
What are 'Clicks' made up of on LinkedIn (owned profiles)?
How are Interactions measured for LinkedIn company pages?
How is Engagement measured for Linkedin company pages?
Can I add competitor organisations as landscapes (benchmarks) on Locowise?