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How do I find the worst performing posts in the Content Drilldown tab?
How do I find the worst performing posts in the Content Drilldown tab?

Want to find out which posts just didn't cut it against your KPI's? Here's how to identify your poorest performing posts.

Locowise admin avatar
Written by Locowise admin
Updated over 7 months ago

The key is to establishing the worst performing posts for any of your desired KPI's in Content Drilldown, is to head to the last page of results via the 'Last' button towards the footer of your page.

  • Simply select the KPI you want to rank by in the top left hand corner

  • Your posts will then arrange in descending order from best through to worst 

  • If you've got quite a few posts to sift through, you'll be given 'next' and 'last' page buttons, centrally at the footer of your page

  • Simply scroll down, hit last, and brace yourself for the worst performing posts for that KPI within the report  date range set...

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