With our proprietary Locowise scores, we focus on the leading indicators of a high performing effort and give you an instant and accurate score from 0 to 100.
Brand Scores:
We look at 4 main areas relative to the landscape (comparing vs. the pages in the landscape)
The growth of the page
Activity (number of posts)
Engagement (this is the most heavily weighted factor)
Post Scores:
We look at the size of the page
We look at the engagement the post gets
Shares and comments are weighted more heavily than likes
Scores are relative to competitor posts
Keyword Scores:
We have an AI tool that scans images and finds the keywords from the image
We also look at the words in the post copy
We combine these things together and get a list of keywords
Then we look at the performance of posts that include the keywords
Scores are relative to the other keywords
Sentiment Scores:
For a detailed description of our Sentiment Analysis methodology, please refer to the following article: